Sum1 sum where dreamz of ur smiles & whilst thinking of u says life is wen ur lonely remember its true.that sum1 sum where is thinking of u.
If anyone ever asks me what the statement Life is BEAUTIFUL meant to me, I would just put my arm around your shoulder, hold you close to me and say This is it !!!
I Dont Ask More From The World.But Juzt a Friend.My Life Seems 2 Be Nothing,But Juzt a Dead Rose.Which Needs Sum1 2 Make it alive.I C That Friend in You.Can u Be The 1??
For me U r as... Chees 4 pizza.. passport 4 visa... butter 4 bread.. ice 4 freezer.. cream 4 cake... water 4 lake.. leaf 4 tree.. a FRIEND like u is 4 ever 4 me.
Friends are not a game to play, Friends are not just a Word to say, Friends do not start in March & end in May, “Friends” means yesterday, Today & Forever”.
This message has no fat, no cholesterol and no additive. This is all natural except, with a lot of sugar. But it can never be as sweet as the one reading it. Smile!