Years come and

Years come and
Years come and go, but this year I specially wish 4 u a double dose of health n happiness topped with loads of good fortune. Have a great year ahead! HAPPY NEW YEAR

Jan, 20 2012     164 chars (2 sms)     835 views       Occassions > Happy New Year

more Happy New Year SMS Messages

Wish you and ur family, A Prosperous, Blissful, Healthy, Bright, Delightful, Energetic, & Extremely ....HAPPY NEW YEAR
With all the Rose's Perfume With all the Rose's Perfume & with all the lights in the world & with all the children's Smiles...I Wish U that ur all dreams comes True.. HAPPY NEW YEAR
"We are all born under the same sky,but we do not have the same horizon"Lets make best of NEW YEAR Happy New Year
Oh my Dear, Forget ur Fear,Let all ur Dreams be Clear,Never put Tear, Please Hear, I want to tell one thing in ur Ear Wishing u a very Happy "NEW YEAR"!
Naye Sapne, Naye Apne ! Naye Wade, Nayi Kasme ! Nayi Manzil, Nayi Rah! Nayi Aas, Naya Vishwas ! Kuch Simple, Kuch Khas ! Har Pal Rehna Bindas..HAPPY NEW YEAR
Nav Varsh ki pawan bela me hai yahi Shubh Sandesh, har Din aaye aap k Jivan me lekar khushiya Vishesh. Happy New Year
Nights are Dark but Days are Light, Nights are Dark but Days are Light, Wish your Life will always be Bright. So my Dear don't get Fear Coz, God Gift us a "BRAND NEW YEAR". *HAPPY NEW YEAR*
Many thanks for your new years wishes . Hp this year brings a lot of reasons to give u n your family a lot of joy, success n good health.HAPPY NEW YEAR
With all the Rose"s Perfume & with all the lights in the world & with all the children"s Smiles…I Wish U that ur all dreams comes True..HAPPY NEW YEAR
Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow: The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true.
There r 3 Ds in life:D-ESIRE,D-ETERMINATION&D-EDICATION.U need all 3 to goAnywhere,Bt it all starts withthe 4th D,"DREAM"So Dream BIG.VrY HappY Nu Yr
New Year brings just Happiness not Tear,Everybody loves only You Dear,All your Problems will be Finish..It's 4 u my Spl NEW YEAR'S wish.