Bith gaya jo

Bith gaya jo
Bith gaya jo saal, Bhul jayye, Is Naya Saal ko Gale lagaye, Karte hai dua hum Rab se sar jhukake... Is Saal ka Sare Sapne poore ho Aapke. *NAYA SAAL MUBARAK*

Jan, 20 2012     158 chars (1 sms)     776 views       Occassions > Happy New Year

more Happy New Year SMS Messages

"Write Your Sad Times In Water…. Write Your Good Times In Stone" HAPPY NEW YEAR
Guzr Gya Jo Saal,Bhul Jaye Es Naya Saal Ko Gale Lagaye Krte Hai Duwa Hum RabSe Sr Jukake Es Sal Ka Sare Spne Pura Ho Apke HAPPY NEW YEAR
Pranam sa, kal to network me congestion ho jayelo, e vaste me thane aabar hi wish karu sa... Naye saal ki Ram-Ram..... E saal the ghani khushiyan pao…
There r 3 Ds in life:D-ESIRE,D-ETERMINATION&D-EDICATION.U need all 3 to goAnywhere,Bt it all starts withthe 4th D,"DREAM"So Dream BIG.VrY HappY Nu Yr
"If U learn from Your's mistake Then U are Intelligent But If U learn from Somebody's mistake Then U are a Genius"HAPPY NEW YEAR
As the New year blossoms,may all the happiness,sucess n prosperity shine on u and ur family.WISH U A HAPPY N FABULOUS NEW YEAR
Ek- KhubsurtiEk- TajgiEk- SapnaEk- BhavnaEk- SachaiEk- AhsasEk- AsthaEk- VishvasYahi Hai ek Achhe saal Ki Shuruaat HaPpY NeY yEaR,
New Year is here! Fill your heart with new hopes, explore new opportunities and Make a new beginning. Celebrate the beautiful new year..
Raatko naya Chand MUBARAK,Chandko Chandni Mubarak,Falak ko sitare Mubarak,Aapko aur aapki family ko "" ki tarafse"NAYA SAAL MUBARAK".
Every man should be born again on the first day of January. Start with a fresh page. Take up one hole more in the buckle if necessary, or let down one, according to circumstances; but on the first of January let every man gird himself once more, with his face to the front, and take no interest in the things that were and are past.Happy new Year
Wishing You Happy New Year,May You always keep in ur Heart theSpecial Beauty and Cheer ofHappy New Year.happy new year 2 all of u
Keep the smile, leave the tear,Think of joy, forget the fear...Hold the laugh, leave the pain, Be joyous ,Coz its new year!HAPPY NEW YEAR