Being a great

Being a great
Being a great mother is a very hard role, but mother u r the star for this one I know, I love you Mom. Happy Mothers Day

Jan, 19 2012     120 chars (1 sms)     734 views       Occassions > Mother`s Day

more Mother`s Day SMS Messages

"M" is for the million things she gave me,"O" means only that she's growing old,"T" is for the tears she shed to save me,"H" is for her heart of purest gold,"E" is for her eyes,with love-light shining,"R" means right,and right she'll always be.
You’ve seen me laugh You’ve seen me cry And always you were there with me I may not have always said it But thanks and I love you Happy Mother’s Day.
A mother serves her sugar with A bit of peppermint To clarify the passages That carry what she meant When she first set to bear a soul Quite separate from her own, Whom she would cherish, yet must teach To live and die alone.
Please convey my heartfull thanks to your "Mother" because she has given a special person in my life - that's YOU.."My dear friend"HAPPY MOTHERS DAY.
Happy Mother's Day means more than flowers and gifts It means saying thank you It means I love you You are my mother, my friend Today is your day
Make for me a place within your heart On which I can depend. For only you Touch the ancient wellsprings of my tears, Home through all the wanderings of my years, Eden that no other can renew, Root I cannot rend through rage or art.
It is Mere in French, Mutter in German, Ammee in Urdu, Mom in English, Ma in Hindi. It still means the same to all of us SPECIAL. Happy Mothers Day!
When U feel U R alone in the Crowd, When U Think No 1 can Understand U, When UR love is rejected by others, & when U hate UR Life, Just Close UR eyes, & see, Her facce who Loves U more than any 1 else, Who Care 4 U in loneleness, & dies when U cry. She is no 1, But UR Sweet Loving Mother. Love UR Mom First.
Many hugs Only luv never anger Teaching me Helping me Every smile when I was sad Raising me to be strong It spells Mother. Thanks for being u.
My Mother, my friend so dear Throughout my life you’re always near A tender smile to guide my way You’re the sunshine to light my day
Happy Mother's Day means more than flowers and gifts It means saying thank you It means I love you You are my mother, my friend Today is your day!
When she first set to bear a soul Quite separate from her own, Whom she would cherish, yet must teach To live and die alone.