The full form of

The full form of
The full form of "Mummy" is:-M: MaaU: U liveM: ManyM: MoreY: Years.HAPPY MOTHERS DAY

Jan, 19 2012     84 chars (1 sms)     3452 views       Occassions > Mother`s Day

more Mother`s Day SMS Messages

She is most beautiful, She is so intelligent, She is so caring, She is so understanding, She is always forgiving, She is so sweet, She is so innocent, She is the inspiration, She is the motivation, ..Who is she.. Thats my Mom.. Happy Mothers day..
I luv u mom having u makes me feel safe & calm I miss u mom Missing touches 2 my face with ur chapped palm u r the greatest because u r my mom...
There r no words that say thanku enough 4 everything u have done 4 me while i was growing up.I really do appreciate u and admire u very much, though i dont always express myself that i ll always be intouch, I guess thats why we have these special days, so that peoples like myself can say that they will love u always. Happy Mothers Day My Cute Mom.
The love she has deep in her heart, Always gives me a good jump start, She is the one who's love is true, Thank u Mom for being u
Happy Mother’s Day means more than flowers and gifts It means saying thank you It means I love you You are my mother, my friend Today is your day
Mommy, I love you For all that you do. I’ll kiss you and hug you ‘Cause you love me, too. You feed me and need me To teach you to play, So smile ’cause I love you On this Mother’s Day. Mommy, I love you
Many hugs Only luv never anger Teaching me Helping me Every smile when I was sad Raising me to be strong It spells Mother. Thanks for being u.
M - For the MILLION things she gave me, O - For she s growing OLD, T - For the TEARS she shed to save me, H - For her HEART of purest gold, E - For her EYES, with love-light shining, R - For she is always RIGHT and always be.
In my past life, god said a gem is going to be born on (date) and i give u a boon that u get to be this beautiful gem’s friend…couldnt ask for anything more but thank the god for giving me a friend like u…happy birthday and dont forget that someone somewhere is wishing for ur happiness on every falling star.”
Being a great mother is a very hard role, but mother u r the star for this one I know, I love you Mom. Happy Mothers Day
What the heart gives away is never gone, but kept in the hearts of others, from dusk to dawn. Love you from the core of my heart. Happy Mothers Day
So many wonderful moments we have spent together, so many wonderful years in all kinds of weather, thinking of u mother brings memories to mind, wonderful moments i ll treasure, these u gve me sincerely thats why my mom , I love u so dearly. Happy Mothers Day My dear Mom