No one in this world is rich enough to buy his own childhood and youth back..However friends help recreate those moments from time to time at no cost...
Words begin with ....A....B....C....Number begin with....1....2....3....Music begin with....SA....RE....GA....BUT....? FRIENDSHIP begins with....''You&Me''
Remember me like pressed flower in ur Notebook.It may not b having any fragnance,but will remind u of my existance ur life. FRIEND: F - Finds way to Comfort u R - Remembers to pray 4 u I - Inspires u E - Enjoys life with someone like u N - Never forgets u D - Describes u well
Friendship is a collection of hearts, ready 2 give, share and understand. It never fades & never ends. It only reminds us that life is not perfect without a friend…