Sumtimes its harder 2 say no wen u really mean yes.Its hard 2 close ur eyes wen u really want 2 see.But the hardest thing 2 do is to let go wen u want to stay
smday`iL b`sitn dwn in`a rokin cher`rmnscn`d pst`wen we`wer stl yong..``&wen`my grnchldrn`cum&ask`4a s2ry``iL`start`w/`1s upon a tym,````der was`U in my Lyf.
We're not even close`yet i miss u.`we hardly talk`but i hear u.`i dnt knw`a thing about u`yet i care for u.`im missing sumthin`in my life &```its you..
I may not have the widest arm to hug you when you have problems, i may not have the best shoulder for you to cry on when you need, but i have the biggest heart to keep you forever. i love you
Dont belive n dstiny.We shud think of reality. if u really luv dat prsn,u shud fyt 4 it coz dstny is jz an xcuse of LeTTiNG thngs happen insted of MaKiNG thngs hapen!