t's a luvly feeling

t's a luvly feeling
t's a luvly feeling 2 stand on d top of a hill & feel on ur face d touch of d cool soft wind, he same is d feeling wenevr I hear ur voice & c ur smyl.

Jan, 18 2012     150 chars (1 sms)     921 views       Love

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I asked God for a Flower,He gave me a garden I asked for a tree he gave me a forest I asked for a river he gave me an ocean I asked for an angel he gave me you
Sometimes my eyes get jealous of my heart. Know why? Coz you always remain close to my heart and far from my eyes.eyes get jealous of my heart. Know why? Coz you always remain close to my heart and far from my eyes.
The rose that you gave me has faded, and wilted away. But, the love tucked in deep inside remains in my heart forever
U may miss me, You may ignore me, U may even forget me. But one day if you want to see me Do not search, just see your shadow. I will be there. Trust me!!!
If you love Then it is necessary to say to express to prove to tell that I Love You!
Life Says Enjoy ME,Time Says Use ME,LUv Says Feel ME,Frdsp Says Trust ME,And 'I' Say Dont Forget 'ME'
:I guess science doesn't work everywhere coz the time taken 2 luv someone is never equal 2 the time taken 2 forget them.
Love is magical.It's a language that deaf can hear,a song d crippled can dance to,and a sunset d blind can see.Wishing u a life full of LOVE.
I wrote on d doorof my heart:"Please Do Not Enter.."Love came with a smile and said:" Sorry I Am Illiterate..."
Buttrflies dnt knw in wt color their wings r, bt human eyes knw how nice it is. Likewise u dnt knw how sweet u r, bt I knw how sweet u r.
2TeAr Drop wer Flowing down d River1sAid 2d othr,I'm d teAr drop of Guy who Lovd & nvr ExprsdWho r u?Im d teAr drop of d gAl who wAs Wi8n 4him...