Those we Love,

Those we Love,
Those we Love, Never go away, They walk besides us everyday Unseen, Unheard, Still Near, Still Loved, Still Missed, & Still Very Dear Just like you..

Jan, 18 2012     149 chars (1 sms)     817 views       Love

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"It's not ur mistake if u can't read d eyes which cheats u" but "It's really ur mistake if u can't read d eyes which Loves u."
Love is hard and will always be, but remember somebody loves you and that one is ME !
LOVE comes again & again for those;Who know what LIFE is.!!LOVE comes only once for those; Who know what LOVE is.!!
Shortest word is I. Sweetest word is LOVE. Cutest person is U.
My love to u which is now OUR love is n should be seen as a sunflower during the spring season which will keep on blossoming even if winter approaches, it keeps on blossoming. Believe me, you are the fresh queen of my heart
If sumone throws a stone towards u, throw luv towards him but if sumone throw luv towards u, then sit for a while & think coz luv hurts more than stone.
Eyes spk more whn a heart strts listening 2 sum1 silently&life seems 2b more exiting whn sum1 starts reading thos eyes silently.
The rose that you gave me has faded, and wilted away. But, the love tucked in deep inside remains in my heart forever
If i could be an angel, i would make ur every wish come true. But im only human, just a girl who's lovin u!!!
WheneverI sit alone. Ijust lookat my hand.& see the criss cross lines& wonder.which special line mde me so get uin my life.
look...the moon is calling u ...see the stars r shining for u..hear my heart says: may god build for u a castle in heaven and made u eat from its fruits !!!!
Love not one, Love not two Love the one who loves u true, Love not three, Love not four Love the one who loves u more, Love not five, Love not six Love the one who really sticks, Love not seven, Love not eight Love the one who really waits