Sum can mak

Sum can mak
Sum can mak u cry & give u tears.Many can mak u laugh & give u smiles. Bt, only very few can give u'laughing tears' &'crying smiles'Dont miss such people.

Jan, 18 2012     154 chars (1 sms)     832 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

I have a heart and that is true, but now it has gone from me to you, so care for it just like i do, cause i have no heart and you have two.
Someone Remembers, Somebody Cares, YOUR Name Is Whispered In Somebody"s Prayers, Keep The Bright Hope Of Sunshine In View.., Someone Is Warmly Thinking Of You
if each leaf of a tree is ur smile. then I promise u I will water it through out my life so I can see ur ever green smile forever!
Life may sometimes be a rough road to walk on where everything seems wrong. But don't give up. Just go on coz when you think you're all alone, look back and you'll find me walking along.
Moon can change its share but sun can never.truth of life can change but death can can forget me,but i cant forget u 4ever.!
Love isn't how you forget, but how you forgive,Not how you listen, but how you understand,Not how you see, but how you feel,Not how you let go, But how you hoLd on!
Its time when people you love should know that you love them Its time when people you miss should know that you miss them that is why i keep on saying i love and miss you all the time.
I think maybe forever is what you make of it. Tomorrow may be the end of your forever. I think we should be more careful how we use it.
There R 3 kinds of luv:Luv takes a few days a get over.Big luv takes a few months.& Great love well it changes ur life.
Remember we all stumble.Evryone of us ,thts y its a comfort to go hand in hand so whenevr u need one I"ll be thr to hold.and thts promise... "
In my life I learned how… 2 love 2 smile 2 be happy 2 be strong 2 work hard 2 be honest 2 be faithful 2 forgive but I couldn’t learn how.. 2 stop rembering u.
Hearts could only love for a while, feets could only walk for some miles, clothes won't 4ever be in style, but having U as my 'lover' is 4ever worthwhile....