The more Silently

The more Silently
The more Silently love is expressed, The more it is deeply bound to impress. No wonder GOD loves us in silence & gives us d miracle of good friends

Jan, 13 2012     147 chars (1 sms)     805 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

When friendship is deeply rooted, it is a plant that cannot even be uprooted by a storm....
Wen time is fast, when moments r hard, when everyone is busy, when seconds r few my sms says that one of ur friend still remembers U
Heart is like Crystal, Preserve it. Love is like perfume, Spread it Feeling are like flood, Flow it FRIENDSHIP is like Umbrella, share it……
Face leaves appearance, Flower leaves fragrance, but, friendship leaves, rememberance.
Luv Holds Heart,Heart holds feelings,feelings holds emotions,emotions holds tears,tears are held by eyes,eyes hold U,B’coz U hold frendship.
pehle chitti ke badle taar aata tha. 1 bulave p mera yaar aata tha. ab padke delete karte he mera msg ko. kabhi har msg ka jawab aata tha.
there is a golden bridge called frndship thats spans the river of time and links out hearts together event if we walks separate roads of life
Friendship…! ‘Keep smiling’ ‘keep shininn’ knowing u can always count on me 4 sure, that’s what friends r 4, 4 gud times n bad times, I’ll b on ur side 4ever, that’s what friends r 4…
FriEndSHiP Is A PRiCeLeSs GiFt tHaT cAn'T Be BoUgHt Or SoLd, BuT To Have An UnDeRsTaNdiNg FriEnd Is FaR MoRe WoRtH tHaN GoLd.
I’ll always be beside you until the very end, wiping all your tears away, being your best friend. i’ll smile when you smile and feel all the pain you do. and if you cry a single tear, i promise i’ll cry too.
Down in the valley, carved on the rock. 3 little words forget me not u met me as a strangre, i took u as a friend lets hope we make a frienship i heaven where frndship nevre ends
What is trust ?? Trust is a feeling that a one year child has , when you throw him in air and catch again , and he enjoys it