fresh morning fresh

fresh morning fresh
fresh morning fresh day fresh smile fresh faces fresh lifebut still the same good old love..,wish u have a refreshing day..Good Morning

Jan, 16 2012     135 chars (1 sms)     974 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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In Life, we have a Lot to Lose & very Little 2 Choose.. Whenver u get a Chance to Choose, do it Wisely & see that u Never Lose what u Choose !!G'Mrng.
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. Gd mrng
Always be the reason of someone’s happiness never just a part of it. be a part of someone’s sadness never the reason for it.
A clay pot that contains milk, will be ranked higher than a golden pot that contains poison.Its not our outer glamour but our inner self makes us valuable.
"Blind Eyes See Better Than Blind B r a i n s !"Good MorninG
View A Negative Experience In Ur Life Like How U Look At A Photo Negative.A Single Negatv Can Creat An Unlimited Number Of Positive Prints.G'mng.
Peopels who are doing good today are ensuring their happiness for tommorrow.......Good Morning
Life is all about three things… winning, losing, and sharing ". Winning others Heart. Losing bad things & Sharing Happy moments.GD MRNG
Its like reaching 4 a star, u know u cant reach it, but u keep trying, coz...may be 1 day that star just might fall 4 you gud morning.
Being perfect doesnt mean dat everythng is perfect .It means dat u hv decided 2 look beyond imperfections. Have a gr8 day
"World is not A pArking plAce"It is A RAcing trAck..Yuv Just Keep on moving..No mAtter When & Where to stArt but reAch ur GoAl & MAke a New Record!GM
Savere savere ho Khushiyo Ka mela,na logo Ki parvah na duniya Ka jamela.pan6io Ka sangit ho or mausam albela.MubaraK ho AapKo ye Khubsurat Savera.Gm