"Opinion Are like hAnd

"Opinion Are like hAnd
"Opinion Are like hAnd wAtches"Every1's WAtch show Different time 4m others..AtleAst in Seconds. !!Bt Every1 believes thAt their Time is Correct.!!GM

Jan, 16 2012     149 chars (1 sms)     838 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Never blame any day in ur life.Gud days give u'happines'Bad days give u'experience' nWorst days give u a 'lesson.'All r essential for 'LIFE...Hav a nice day
Jivan ki har situatin me hamare pass hamesh 2 raste hote hai. Bhag lo aur bhaag lo choice is urs.GM
Nobody wil ever remember how u luk,how u Speak, wat u did or anythng else.But d only thing they wud remember is how U made them feel.G'Mrng
In our Lfe Hapinss is mre imprtnt thn Smile.B'coz Smile cmes frm d Lips,but Happiness comes from the Heart. So I wish u 2 b Happy Always.!GM
Always be Happy, always wear a smile. Not because life is full of reasons to smile, but because your smile itself is a reason for many others to Smile.--
Never play with the Feelings of others. Because U may win the Game but the Risk is that U will Surely Lose the Person for Lifetime..! G'Mng
:Every new day is a new chapter of life,bringing new topics,new moments 4 life. I wish today gud momentsapproach to make ur life joyful.. Good morning
Fact of life:They all laughed so I laughed,I cried but no 1cried wit me.dis is life.Try 2 Move Up In Life By wiping Ur eyes by Ur Own Hand.good morning
The amazing truth about a human TONGUE:It takes 3 YEARS to learn HOW 2 use it. But,It takes LIFETIME 2 learn WHEN & WHERE to use it.GD MRNG
Attitude is little thing which makes a very big differenceLike,I'm not d best, but I'm not like the rest.I'm unique in my own way.GM
A boy cried wen he had no shoes Suddenely he stopd crying wen he saw a man widout legs Lyf is ful of Blessings sumtyms V dnt undrstnd it.GD MRNG
Sumtimes v think-why frnz keep frwrding msgs 2 us without speking words D reson is dat,u hv got nothing big 2 say,but still want 2 stay in touch...!!GM