Life is a "XXX"

Life is a "XXX"
Life is a "XXX"Yesterday is a Xperience,2day is a Xperiment,2morow is Xpectation..So Use ur Xperience In ur Xperiment to Achieve ur Xpectation.GM

Jan, 16 2012     145 chars (1 sms)     7992 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Good Morning.Do not Expect much from Others&Get Disappinted..ButDo not Disappoint thoseWho Expect Much from You..Good Day....
Smile! it will make u look better. pray, it will keep u strong. love, it will make u enjoy life. good morning
"Opinion Are like hAnd wAtches"Every1's WAtch show Different time 4m others..AtleAst in Seconds. !!Bt Every1 believes thAt their Time is Correct.!!GM
Evry morng has;...a new beginning...a new blessing...a new hope...& its a perfect day'coz its NATURE's GIFT.Good morning *Have a wonderful day*--
Thought for a lifetime - If you wait to be happy you will wait forever. But if you start to be happy you will be happy forever.... Good Morning .
Of all the smiles you received today, there was a smile you didn't see. A smile not from the lips, but straight from the heart - a smile that came from mrng
When earthly help s no avail, there s 1 fren who wil never fail. Just lift ur eyes, d answer s there. For nobody knows d power of prayer. Have a worry free day.
SMILE means: "S"et u free "M"akes u Special "I"ncreases ur face Value "L"ifts up ur Spirits "E"rases all ur Tensions!! So keep smiling 4ever. GOOD DAY
No sound in this world can be more louder than SILENCE n if some1 cannot understand ur silence,They can never understand your words !!GM
If u MAnAge to Smile at Any Situation,U r the winner of Highest Number of heArts in This world.So ManAge with Smile Anytime nd Anywhere.GM
New day..New morning.. New hopes..New plans.. New efforts..New success... New feelings-: New mrng
Morning Breeze,Morning coolness,Rising sun,Humming birds,Melting dew,Along with dis"LITTLE HEART"Wishing a very"GLORIOUS MORNING"