Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Day will soon be here It comes around but once a year If I could only have my way, We'd have Thanksgiving every day.

Jan, 16 2012     129 chars (1 sms)     594 views       Greeting > Thanks Giving

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Space SeeMs Like An EMpty Word, But Its Full Of Special People Around Caring Endlessly. Thank You For Being A Part Of My SPACE
On this Thanksgiving Day, I wish 2 say that I m honored 2 hav u in my life. Thanks for loving nd caring 4 me.
Thanks so much 4 being there on my side nd supporting me all through. Without u my life wud hav been incomplete. Love
May be u donno me, May be u never noticed me sitting on last bench May be u hv beaten me sometime But still we love you teacher… Thankyou being their for us all the time
I am so grateful that I have you all with me on this Thanksgiving Day
You treated me like your family member. Thank you very much anyway
Thanksgiving Day will soon be here It comes around but once a year If I could only have my way, We'd have Thanksgiving every day.
Wishing u all the season's happiness ths heartfelt wish can bring! Happy Thanksgiving!
Who does not thank for little Will not thank for much. Remember to be thankful for everything you have! Happy Thanksgiving!
As this year is coming to an end, I wish to thank people who have touched various walks of my life in their own different ways. THANK U
Thanksgiving is nothing if not a glad and Reverent lifting of the heart to God In honor and praise for His goodness. Happy Thanksgiving!
"Without Thy sunshine and Thy rain We could not have the golden grain; Without Thy love we'd not be fed; We thank Thee for our daily bread."