A late night greeting

A late night greeting
A late night greeting doesnt only mean good night It has a silent msg sayin.. ur my last thought at night..

Jan, 16 2012     107 chars (1 sms)     943 views       Greeting > Good Night

more Good Night SMS Messages

Touch your heart,you can feel your heart beat sound.Touch your head, i think you can feel never........Because clay pot never make sound...! Gud night
Think twice b4 leaving a space in someone's heart,Bcoz its difficult to realize the pain when you see someone else filling up your space..Gud NITE
Take a deep breath,Stand near the window,Look at the sky,There will be two stars twinkling brightly,u know what they are????They are my eyes always taking care of U..Good night
A shining angel stands beside ur silky bed, calling ur nice name so softly, throwing flowers on you nd saying good night nd sweet dreams
Which is More Painful?When a person Whom U TRUSTED Hurts you, Or The person Whom you HURTED still trusts you ! Keep thinking…GD NIGHT
As day turns to NIGHT.,.Keep your worries out of SIGHT....No matter how TOUGH the world may seem...you still deserve the SWEETEST DREAM .....GOOD NIGHT.
Eyes speak more when a heart starts listening to someone silently and life seems to be more exiting when someone start reading ur eyes silently.. Gud nite.
Jo chiz mang k mile woh MANNAT hai, Chah k mile wo CHAHAT hai,Paas ho wo AMAANAT hai,Dilse mile vo REHMAT hai,Par aap jaisa koi mile to vo KISMAT hai .Gdnt
Where Ever I Go ,You Are With Me .What Ever I Do,u Help Me.What Ever I Think,u Inspire Me.Where Ever ,What EverIn my Dreams...Gud Ni8
Precious things r few One of them is U That's why "I MISS U" & if U want 2 know that how much I MISS U, then just C up in d sky & find where it ends.. Good night.
If at any time ur life is like a candle in d wind, then i'll put my hands around u so dat all burns r mine & all light is urs. GN
Dream of star, Dream of palace, Dream of person, Dream of a face, Dream of sea, BUT when u dream of friend DREAM OF ME ONLY..Gud nyt Dear