The devils shadow once covered the angel of god.the angel said"oh evil shadow the day is not far when u will see heavens light with all its might,but for now goodnite"!
800 kamron ka Mehal hoOr Motiyon se saja ho darbarIncome ho arbon may Or 200 Mercidies car Sab mil sakta hai Sapno mayIs lia Jagna hai bekar So ja mere yar..GuD NighT…
Dream a dream 2nite as u a smile 2morrow that u may keep.may all of ur dreams and wishes come true cause i could`nt find a better friend like u!
COLD COLD NITE On this cold cold nite,in My small small rOOm,i Look At The Brite Brite StArS iN tHe DaRk DaRk sKy & DrEaM of uR sWeet sWeet SmiLe on ur CuTe CuTe FaCe! GdNiTe!
The night is designed to end the worries and fears of the day, it signifies to leave it all to God and prepare for another day to come. Have a peaceful night and a blessed tomorrow!