Sum1 Asked

Sum1 Asked
Sum1 Asked Me 2 Discribe U In 1 Sentence.. . . I Said- "Individual That Makes Place In Others Heart Widout Knocking It"

Jan, 12 2012     119 chars (1 sms)     773 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

Sumtimes I miss 2reply, Sumtimes my msg doesn’t reach u, But it doesnt mean I 4get u, bcoz. ur 1of a kind and always in my mind…
l... Life means:A winter evening, Four friends, Mild Rain, Four pegs of Rum..Life means:100 bucks for petrol, Two rusty old bikes, An open road..Life means:Maggi noodles, A hostel room, 3.25 a.m..Life means:1 Preparation leave, 1 night, 1 book, 8 duffers..Life means:1 girl, 1 number, 4 friends, and a fight..Now Life means:old friends, separate cities, separate lives and endless sms.
Friends are the 1st who love u the most, but sometimes hurt u a lot, but then again they r the only ones who feel ur pain the most…
MaY Not Be a cLocK ThaT maY TexT u 24hrs a DaY Bt My HeArt Will b LikE a CloCk ThAt ll nOt sToP CarIng & SayInG U r aLwaYs RemeMbEreD
When U Miss Somebody ALot, When U Want Somebody ALot, Just Stay Away A Little Longer, Bcoz Staying Away Brings U Close ALot.
Our friend$hip i$ ju$t like WATER no colour no $hape no place no ta$te But i$ $till e$$ential for living So have it forever.
If I could pull down the rainbow I would write ur name with it & put it back in the sky to let everybody know how colorful my life is with a friend like u!!
My past says u met me. My future says u will always remember me. My dream says u care for me. But my heart says this friend is born for me.
Everyday is a wonderful opportunity 2 care, 2 love, 2 smile, 2 pray, and 2 be thankful to god for having a wonderful friend like u.
Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend — or a meaningful day
Feelin of luv,moments of caring,small small sharing, stupid fights, shoulders 2 cry, 2b 2gthr in pain, creates a miracle calledFRIENDS'
Ur voice is MELODY,ur nature is KISMIBAR,Ur behaviour is COFFEEBITE,Ur Feeling is KITKAT,Ur mind is MUNCH,Ur heart is ECLAIRS,U r totally 5 STAR....!!!