May the magic of dis EID bring lots of happiness in ur life & may u celebrate it wid all ur close friends & may it fill ur HEART wid wonders EID MUBARAK
SuHari dHUP BaRsat k bAAd, tHori Si hAsi haR bAaT k BaAt, uSi taRHa hO mUBArak yE Eid raAmDaN k BaaD, wiSHIng yOu a VEry spEcIaL .*.*haPPY eID mUBArak.*.*.*
May God send his Love like Sunshine in his warm and gentle ways to fill every corner of your Heart and filled your Life with a lot of Happiness like this EID DAY. Wishing you EID MUBARAK.
May Allah bring you joy, happiness, peace and prosperity on this blessed occasion. Wishing you and your family on this happy occasion of Eid! Eid Mubarak!
Lonesome Without U,Each N Every Moments.When I Am Alone I Close My Eyes N Think Of U N Thoughts Of Ur Love Warms Me Inside N Makes Me Smile.Miss U A Lot.Eid Mubarak.