To wish you

To wish you
To wish you all the pleasures A joyous season can bring and hope you will have a day that's filled with happy things..=EID=MUBARAK=

Jan, 14 2012     131 chars (1 sms)     733 views       Festival > Eid

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SendinG U WarM WisheS ON "EID-UL-ZUHA AnD WishinG THAT, IT BringS Your WeY EveR JOYS AND Happiness .Remember me in ur prayers.
SuHari dHUP BaRsat k bAAd, tHori Si hAsi haR bAaT k BaAt, uSi taRHa hO mUBArak yE Eid raAmDaN k BaaD, wiSHIng yOu a VEry spEcIaL .*.*haPPY eID mUBArak.*.*.*
Eid leka aate hai dher sare khusiya Eid mita deta hai insan mai duriya Eid hai khuda ka ek nayam tabaro k Eisi liye kahte hai sab EID MUBARAK
may the angels protect u...may the sadness forget u,...may goodness surround u and may Allah always bless u.,,,,,,Eid Mubarak!!!!
Do you know the Meaning of EID? I think it means "ENJOY in DUNIYA!!" So, In your life all moments bring EID for you.... Wish You...EID MUBARAK
No Greeting Card To Give; No Swt Flowers To Send; No Cute Graphics To Forward;Just . . . A LOVING HEART Saying E I D - M U B A R A K .
As Allah waters HIS Creation, May HE also sprinkle HIS wonderous blessings over you and your beloved ones.EID MUBARAK
Isse pehle k EID ki sham ho jaye,Mubarkbad ka silsila aam ho jaye,Bheed mein shamil hamara bhi naam ho jaye,Kyon na EID ka abhi se SALAM ho jaye.HAPPY EId
We say eid mubarik 2 our beloved one, please do remember the people those are seeking the eye to be joind in our Happiness..Eid mubarak
The moon has been sighted The samoosas are ready Here comes EID so just go steady Lots of duas is all i request and just wanted to wish you all the BEST!!!Eid Mubarak
Aati nahin eid roz roz mari jaan Eid ke din to zara khul ka mila kijiye aaj kal din hain jashne baharane deed aaj ka din na koi gila kijiye
EID MUBARAK ho Aapko, Dher sari tarif aur khusiya mile aapko, But, Jab EIDI mile aapko to Please... Aap Yaad karna Sirf Humko!!!