In flowers my

In flowers my
In flowers my rose is u, in DIAMOND my kohinoor is u, in SKY my moon is u, in RIVER my boat is u,I'M JUST A tree but MY langoor is only YOU

Jan, 12 2012     139 chars (1 sms)     748 views       Friendship

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We had our ups and downs as nearly everybody does. But problems never last for long with special friends like us.
The feeling of friendship starts from the eyes.If u try to close ur eyes Friendship turns into a drop of tear & remains in ur heart 4ever.
The best kind of friend is d 1 u could sit on a porch with,never saying a word,& walk away feeling like dat was d best conversation u've had
Love is like a fire. Whether it is going to warm your hearth or burn your house down, you’ll never know
"I checked my pocket,I found nothing,I checked my wallet,i found few coins,Then i checked my heart,I found u & then i realised how RICH i am havin U.
A True Thought: "When you rise up, your friends know who you are!! When you fall down, you know who your friends are !!!
I may not be the "Perfect friend" that u r looking for, Not even the "BEST" among others, But surely i'm a friend who always wants 2 see u
Frndshp s lik investment it gives security, hapines, trust,love & care!Thanx 4 depositing all dis 2 me without even asking 4 any document
Life is pretty much unpredictable. I may not live long enough but I won’t miss out letting you know that life is worth living with someone like you around.
it is realy amazng wen two stanger becom frnds bt its raly sad wen two frnds becom stranger . hope it wud nvr happen with .. we will frnds 4evr
In Life..MOST people help you when it suits THEM;BUT very "FEW" help when it suits YOU.."MAKE" those FEW your frnds..BUT "BE" That FEW for the MANY!
Sweetness can be defined without honey. Fragnance can be defined without Rose. But, friendship can't be defined without YOU