I believe in angels

I believe in angels
I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends. I"m surrounded by angels but I call them my best friends."

Jan, 12 2012     107 chars (1 sms)     824 views       Friendship

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People say friends are made in heaven & they come in ur life,But I made my friend in this world & made my life a Heaven…
Friendship is lyk walking on wet sand, D longer u stay D deeper u get into it.. & D moment u try to go, u leave ur Footprints...
If I ever sent U a bunch of roses I will put a fake one in between and will say our friendship will last till the last one dies!
Behind ur smile I know there r sorrows, Behind ur laughter I know there r tears, And I want u 2 know that behind u I am always there 4 u.
The wrong kind of people dislikes you 4 the good in you &The right kind of peoples like you knowing even the bad in you. That makes a Friendship strong.
My frndship is like drug, once u take it u can't avoid it, when u don't get it u r sick&wen u lose it u r destroyed.So dont dare 2 forget me
Frndshp s lik investment it gives security, hapines, trust,love & care!Thanx 4 depositing all dis 2 me without even asking 4 any document
I do not want a friend who smiles when I smile who weeps when I weep for my shadow in the pool can do better than that.
A single candle can illuminate an entire room. A true friend lights up an entire lifetime. Thanks for the bright lights of your friendship.
1 injection of trust, 1 tablet of care, 1 syrup of attention, 1 drip of understanding, take 3 times a day! its all necessary 4 the health of our frndship
LIFE Means L: Love I: Incidents F: Friends E: Emotions If 'F' miss in life Then LIFE Becomes "LIE" So Don't 4get "Friends"
Two things are really important in life Friend Friendship First One, yOu shOuld make. SecOnd One, yOu shOuld kEEp.