Friendship often ends

Friendship often ends
Friendship often ends in love; but love ends in friendship - NEVER.

Jan, 13 2012     67 chars (1 sms)     832 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

U may not think of me when u r happy Or having a good time, But please don't forget me when u r sad, I want to be the 1st one to make u.
Words cant xpress wat i feel 4 u. Itz also difficult 4 me 2 prove. But i know my heart is true. Wen i say i m lucky 2 hav a frnd like u
Heart could only love for a while, feets could only walk 4 some miles, clothes wont 4ever be in style, but having u as my friend is 4ever.
Relation is not colletion of HEARTS,But it is selection of HEARTS,All relations r not TRUE but TRUE relations r very FEW & it includes U…
Some friends forget,some move away. Some keep silent, some just change, But iam not 1 of them,iam with U just 4 two moments : NOW & EVER..
"I'm ur friend,U're my friend.."It's the words to keep ur mind. But it would be the words that express in ur feelings..KeeP FR!ENDSH!P
Be what u r, say what u feel and do what u want. Bcoz in frndship, Those who mind,don't matter and Those who matter,don't mind.
Life is a camera, keep on smiling, till life ends. Life is an Ice-cream, enjoy it,before it melts.
L I F E is wonderful.when shared with someone like.Y thanks forO being myU lovelyF R I E N D !Hope this continues.
"FRIEND"means F free from all formalities. R right to say anything. I in anyway. E either good or bad. N no sorry no thanks. D datna pitna Alowd.
Every second God remembers you, Every minute God bless you, Every hour God cares for you because... Every day I pray God to take care of U.
Friendship is big like UNIVERS,Deep like OCEAN,High like SKY,Strong like ROCK,Kind like MOTHER,Cute like ME and sweet like U....