The film follows the lives of two blundering terrorists on a mission to change the world. Riteish Deshmukh and Pulkit Samrat play the young guns with lofty ideologies but ordinary talent who keep pace...
Sitaram runs his family in an authoritarian manner. He has planned the marriage of his son, Vasudev, only to be told that Vasudev loves another woman, Suman, who he plans to marry. Sitaram tells his s...
Sparks will fly!: Powerless is a documentary film about the electrical supply in an Indian city, the story unfurling along the tangled wires and tracing out lines of conflict of a diabolical complexit...
Durga Babu, and his wife, Ganga, comes across Shyam, an orphan, who sings and dances on special occasions, and decide to take him home. Shyam meets with their daughter, Radha, and she slowly falls in ...
Dharamchand is the Chair of Olympic Bank, which is due for a final audit by the 30th of the month. Shortly thereafter, his daughter, Hema, finds his dead body in his bedroom. She phones her brother, R...
Somnath (Somu) lives in a shanty house in a Delhi slum with his widowed mom, and unmarried sister, Sarla. He is friendly with Calcutta-based wealthy Vikram (Vicky) Maharaj. When Vicky's dad, Damodar, ...
Kind-hearted and compassionate, Dr. Vinayak is always willing to lend a helping hand to the poor and needy, often not charging them for any surgery, but instead recovering his fees from his more afflu...
Vishal is a poet and lives a middle-class lifestyle with his widowed and wheelchair-bound mom. He is in love with Aruna, who works with a publishing company. Due to his forthrightness, Vishal is unabl...
Ajit, Personal assistant to Princess Usha, does away with her, and brings along a look-alike, Kiran, to pose as her for a few days. Kiran, although poor, refuses to do so, and Ajit threatens her and h...
Akash is a honest and educated young man, employed by the Bombay Municipal Corporation as a clerk. He lives with his equally honest brother, his sister-in-law, a niece, Sharda, and a nephew. Due to Ak...
Blackmail | |
Khamoshi | |
Fraud Saiyaan | |
Tanhaji – The Unsung Warrior | |
Leader | |
Hope Aur Hum | |
Judgemental Hai Kya | |
Super 30 | |
Bharat | |
De De Pyaar De |