The story revolves around the life of Sophia (Urvashi Sharma) who lives in Goa. When she is stalked and then attacked by a rapist named Rakesh, Sophia re-locates to Dubai. Here she rents a room in a v...
Rohan Arya lives a wealthy lifestyle in Mumbai and is a professional singer with Showbiz, which is managed by Inder Raj Bahl, while Rohan's personal Manager is Shikha Verma. Rohan and Shikha are attra...
Delhi-based Ashmita and Shree Ranade, live a wealthy lifestyle along with Shree's father, and their sons, Anshul and Saumil. When they notice that Saumil has been passing blood while defecating, they ...
A tale with ingredients of humour, romance, emotion and drama, telling the story of a Spanish girl, an Indian boy and disapproving parents, some who need little convincing and others who need a whole ...
Laxmikant Kabadiya (Anupam Kher) is one of India's richest industrialists, a self made man who's risen from selling scrap to become a construction magnate. His conglomerate is on the verge of a 5000 c...
Prem (Salman Khan) is a Love Guru who solves the love issues of his clients. He meets Bhaskar Diwakar Chaudhary (Govinda) who comes to Prem for help in his love life. Bhaskar loves his boss Priya Jais...
Gandhi My Father paints the picture of Gandhi's intricate, complex and strained relationship with son Harilal Gandhi. From the onset, the two had dreams in opposite directions. Harilal wanted to study...
The story is set in a small village near Banikhet, Himachal Pradesh and revolves around a young girl Biniya and village's only shop owner Nand Kishore Khatri. Biniya lives with her mother and elder br...
Vibhavari, affectionately called Badki (Rani Mukerji), and Shubhavari, affectionately called Chutki (Konkona Sen Sharma) are the daughters of Shivshankar Sahay (Anupam Kher) and Sabitri (Jaya Bachchan...
Abhay (Gautam Gupta) and Vasundhara (Priyanka Kothari) are neighbors who are in love. Due to strong opposition from their parents, they decide to elope to Goa. Meanwhile, Chief Minister Arjun Patil (R...
The film starts out on a rainy night with a conversation between 4 cops in a van, patrolling the streets. A car narrowly misses colliding into them on the road, brakes and then continues on towards a ...
The film opens with a narrative about a nondescript town called Lakhot in Rajasthan, India. The narrator is Satyaveer Singh Randhawa (Abhay Deol), a down-on-his-luck public works engineer. He compares...
Blackmail | |
Khamoshi | |
Fraud Saiyaan | |
Tanhaji – The Unsung Warrior | |
Leader | |
Hope Aur Hum | |
Judgemental Hai Kya | |
Super 30 | |
Bharat | |
De De Pyaar De |