This film tells the story of a widow Sheetal (Hema Malini) who is left devastated after the death of her husband Raj, (Rajesh Khanna). She is left with a son to look after and teaches in a school. One...
Mahesh, a stage artist, receives a telegram of his father's last hours on the stage but he refuses to leave the play half way, and goes home after the show is over. His father takes a promise from his...
Rohit, Whiskey, and Kumar (Rajendra Kumar, Rajendra Nath, and Prem Chopra respectively) are childhood friends. While travelling to his estate in the company of Whiskey, Rohit meets with beautiful Neen...
Sulochana, a young mother of two sons, accepts forced widow-hood and has to leave her home in search of a bright future of her both the pearls. . Unable to bear the panges of hunger he sons drive he t...
Two unemployed slackers, Bhola and Ajay come across a newspaper advertisement about a missing elderly gentleman, whose estate is worth millions. They come across this male in the Hanging Garden Park i...
It is a thriller about a young woman, Sunita (played by Asha Parekh), who ends up married to the "wrong" man, Rajan. Thinking that he has conspired with his girlfriend Monica (played by Helen) to murd...
Bharat (Rajendra Kumar) is a patriotic young man for whom patritism does not stop anywhere. He comes to know of the tyrancy of the present ruler's Diwan (Ajit) and he and his colleagues (Soodesh Kumar...
Dashing pilot Arun romances Vandana Tripathi, and both in love with each other, become very intimate, and as a result Vandana gets pregnant. Arun and Vandana have a quiet temple wedding ceremony, and ...
Raju lives with his widowed mother, Janki, in a small town and works as garage mechanic. One day he meets with wealthy Rachna Malhotra, and after a few misunderstandings, both fall in love with each o...
London-based Anand travels to Pili Kothi in India after he is told that his future bride, Seema, who he has yet to meet, has met with an accident. Upon arrival, he is met with Sabhu, a driver, and en-...
Wealthy Jaishankar meets and falls in love with Aarti, successfully woos her and agrees to meet with her dad to discuss their marriage. On the way there he ironically runs over him, killing him instan...
Barrister P.K. Anand (Ashok Kumar) was a staunch believer in the high- est integirity of chanracter and principles, and believed in duty above all else. He practised in Srinvager and God had blesses h...
Blackmail | |
Khamoshi | |
Fraud Saiyaan | |
Tanhaji – The Unsung Warrior | |
Leader | |
Hope Aur Hum | |
Judgemental Hai Kya | |
Super 30 | |
Bharat | |
De De Pyaar De |