The story revolves around Leena kapoor (Barkhaa) who is married to an army man named Ranbir, who has to leave urgently leaving barkhaa all alone. Due to her lonely, passionless married life, she begin...
Doctor I Love You is a hindi mystery movie. The movie is directed by Mukul Abhyankar and produced by Narendra singh and Shiraz Hussain.
'Bachpan Ek Dhokha' -a suspense filled drama revolves around the fun, frolic and carefree days of childhood that turn into an intentional/ unintentional torture and trauma inflicted on children due to...
A divorced couple gets into a dramatic situation as their daughter gets abducted. The dramatic blame game later turns a psychological thriller as corruption, indifference and violence barfs in.
Once upon a time in North India, two killers - Dev (Ranveer Singh) and Tutu (Ali Zafar), roamed free. Abandoned when young and vulnerable, Bhaiyaji (Govinda) gave them shelter and... nurtured them to ...
The film is a drama capturing the lives of two estranged brothers. One brother who leads a very successful life as a banker and the other who is a law school dropout and lives by the day. Fate brings ...
A perfect murder, A perfect crime, A perfect plan, A perfect revenge - Welcome to Bollywood Villa. The movie not only depicts the glory, glamour, magnitude attached to the Indian film industry but als...
The film features Sara Khan and Paras Chhabra in the lead, and is a romantic suspense thriller, which revolves around a man who deals with a sudden change in his life.
A near perfect life of Tarun and Shrishti goes through a sea change after an act of bravery, the consequences of which question the basic bond of their existence... Broken and crucified, will they eve...
The film 'Kyun Hua Achanak' is a romantic suspense thriller which deals with the current scenario of today's times. The story narrates about the journey of four shrewd individuals who are in search of...
Blackmail | |
Khamoshi | |
Fraud Saiyaan | |
Tanhaji – The Unsung Warrior | |
Leader | |
Hope Aur Hum | |
Judgemental Hai Kya | |
Super 30 | |
Bharat | |
De De Pyaar De |