The movie revolves around Charles, an enigmatic con man and a vicious killer, and the lives he touched with his inescapable charm and mysterious personality.We follow Charles, who is literally evil pe...
'Bhaag Johnny' is a story about a man's journey where he gets two choices that will lead to their respective destinies. Janardhan Arora (Johnny) is a young ordinary Indian man who works as an accou...
Phantom is a political thriller set in the volatile climate that exists in South Asia. Constant terror attacks against India have left the Indian people feeling vulnerable and angry. The Indian govern...
The story revolves around Leena kapoor (Barkhaa) who is married to an army man named Ranbir, who has to leave urgently leaving barkhaa all alone. Due to her lonely, passionless married life, she begin...
Emran hashmi has invisible power in this movie... he has played a brilliant character as a selfish scientist who has only one thing in his mind- success of the experiment even at the cost of killing e...
Ek Paheli Leela movie earlier titled as "Leela" is a 9-song musical and will see Sunny in a complete new avatar as compared to her previous films. This passionate love story will be shot extensively ...
Lateef (Nawazuddin Siddique) is a middle class youngster whose dream is to become a doctor... He gets caught in drug raid where he was just present without knowing the fact... he is jailed & when he r...
Yahaan Sabki Lagi Hai is a multi-lingual. It is an allegory on the journey of life, especially at times when one feels victimized or shortchanged, set in the milieu of Indian-English-speaking urban yo...
Meera (Anushka Sharma) and Arjun (Neil Bhoopalam) are professionals living in Gurgaon. When Meera walks out of a party late one night, she gets attacked by a group of unknown men. Although she escapes...
'Bachpan Ek Dhokha' -a suspense filled drama revolves around the fun, frolic and carefree days of childhood that turn into an intentional/ unintentional torture and trauma inflicted on children due to...
Film is based on the infamous Arushi murder case. The film explores the plight of a couple who have not only lost their only child but who also have to bear the trauma of the father being accused of k...
The country is perpetually under threat from terrorist powers and the common man walks unaware of the threats and the attacks that our Government controls and prevents. While the common Indian fights ...
Blackmail | |
Khamoshi | |
Fraud Saiyaan | |
Tanhaji – The Unsung Warrior | |
Leader | |
Hope Aur Hum | |
Judgemental Hai Kya | |
Super 30 | |
Bharat | |
De De Pyaar De |