The story is based on the life of Kanjibhai (Paresh Rawal), an antique shopkeeper. When a tornado destroys his antique store, he begins to disbelieve in God. The film revolves around his journey at ta...
Heroine movie begins with Mahi Arora (Kareena Kapoor), a renowned heroine, being thrown out of a car at night. She hails a taxi, goes to a police station with the intention of lodging a complaint, but...
A group of girls from Ahmadabad Girls College come to Rajsthan for a trip and there in Udaipur they meet tourist guides (Raja) who guides them in visiting various historical places and them aware of t...
Suraj has everything any young man would kill for – an MBA, a well-paid job and an offer from UK with a salary of 5,000 pounds. But Suraj is no ordinary boy! He has only one passion – Cinema. His only...
Anita is a dynamic young lady who works for an NGO towards the welfare of the children. She gets married to Raj, the handsome younger son of the wealthy industrialist Mr. Desai.Soon after marriage an ...
Joker is an out of this world comedy about an NRI (Akshay Kumar) and his beautiful wife (Sonakshi Sinha) who return home to discover that their village has dropped off the map of India. To put it back...
When the money of an idealistic British traveler disappears in a nouveau-riche Delhi household, the staff are given twenty-four hours to replace it or face the consequences. Delhi In A Day is a darkly...
Akshay, young IT professional from Delhi; only child of a single parent Suneel Narang embarks on a journey to get his father, a widower; married so to finally put an end to his prolonged loneliness. C...
'Overtime' is a tale of a young and beautiful girl Khushi (Swati Sharma) who resides in Mumbai and is working as a 'High Profile Call Girl' but with the dreams of developing into fame Bollywood actres...
Set in the turbulence of the 1930s British India, Chittagong is a true story of a 14 year old boy, Jhunku, and of his journey to find where he belongs. For the first time in Indian history, the Britis...
Shuttlecock Boys revolves around the lives, successes and failures of four friends who hail from lower middle class backgrounds in Delhi. Gaurav, Manav, Pankaj and Loveleen decide to embark upon an ev...
Cocktail is a story of three friends. Usually,two people make a couple; but here, the trio of Gautam, Veronica and Meera make an ideal couple! Meera and Veronica are friends, while Gautam-Meera and Ga...
Blackmail | |
Khamoshi | |
Fraud Saiyaan | |
Tanhaji – The Unsung Warrior | |
Leader | |
Hope Aur Hum | |
Judgemental Hai Kya | |
Super 30 | |
Bharat | |
De De Pyaar De |