Here is another Indian that also closely resembles another Hollywood movie. This story revolves around the lives of two look-alike sisters, who are brought up separately by their estranged parents, wh...
Tere Liye story is a Tara, Dev Prakash Tandon, Aditya Verma, Ritu Malhotra, and Raghu, run their own band, and practice at Aditya's dad's studio. When an actress, Piya Anand, hears their number, she w...
Prem Kapoor, an aspiring popstar, lives with his elder sister, Neelu, and brother-in-law, Vinod. Prem is in love with Nisha and both hope to marry soon. The wedding is planned, and preparations are ma...
Preeti Virat (Aishwarya Rai) is a young, vivacious and naive girl. She once comes forward as a witness to heinous assault carried by Bhavani Choudhry and his men on a person who owes them money. Her t...
The story is about Priya Bakshi (Preity Zinta), the daughter of Gulshan (Anupam Kher) and Rohini Bakshi (Farida Jalal). Priya has her parents, brothers and best friend, Ajay (Chandrachur Singh) who al...
Bobby is a young lad, who lives with his Engineer dad, Jai Prakash, and mom, Pooja. Bobby always brags to everyone as to how brave and macho his dad is. But only Jai knows that he is quite the opposit...
Ghazala (Shabana Azmi) has been married to Munirmiya (Srivallabh Vyas) for several years, and has given birth to a daughter, Salma (Rajeshwari Sachdev) Munir is unhappy that Ghazala has been unable to...
Gajendra Singh lives a wealthy lifestyle in a village in India. He has never attended school and as a result does not know how to read or write in Hindi nor English. His marriage is arranged with equa...
Durga Bhatnagar runs her household in a very strict and orthodox manner. She has three sons: Ram, Laxman, and Bharat, and her husband's name is Dashrath - all linked to Ramayan. She wants her sons to ...
Blackmail | |
Khamoshi | |
Fraud Saiyaan | |
Tanhaji – The Unsung Warrior | |
Leader | |
Hope Aur Hum | |
Judgemental Hai Kya | |
Super 30 | |
Bharat | |
De De Pyaar De |