The story of three friends, Subhash (Vinod Khanna), the fiery editor of a weekly newspaper called Mashal, Aruna (Saira), a school teacher who helps to run the paper, and Ravi (Vinod Mehra), a lawyer a...
Subeer Kumar (Amitabh) is well on his way to becoming India's top pop singer. He has no intention of getting married, but when he goes to visit his Durga Mausi (Mausi=mother's sister), he falls in lov...
Udharchand Shikarpuri is a homeless man who lives in Bombay albeit under the roof of multi-millionaire Seth Kalidas, who six months away in his palatial house in Mussoorie. For the 4th time in his lif...
This is a story of two sisters. Shaarda who is the younger of the two, is a student. Her elder sister elopes with a boy, Dinesh, who ditches her and ruins her life.He also tries to kill her. Shaarda s...
Squabbling Sharma family has a dubious reputation of not having any cook last there for more than a few months. Word spreads out about this family to such an extent that no person wants to be employed...
Thakur is a rich and wealthy man. He has two sons, the elder is Ram, who is married but frequents a prostitute Munnibai. The second son is Bharat, who is unmarried, and is good, virtuous, and devoted ...
The story discusses the motivations of crime, punishment and how innocent people are drawn in that direction willingly or otherwise. Honesty and integrity are put on severe trial around the lives of a...
Raja Bahadur rules his region, although fully aware that his days as King are numbered. Nevertheless, he indulges in women, alcohol, and high-living - most of which is through borrowed money, with the...
Tells the dilema in which a married man is put into when his illegitimate child comes to claim her rights. A mixed-up comedy, it tells of how a wrong girl lands as the daughter to bag the son of the m...
Kulwant Rai is a prominent and wealthy businessman. He relies solely on his son, Rakesh, to run his business. His second son, Naresh, is idle and untrustworthy, and is born out of marriage with his se...
Bombay-based Rajesh lives a fairly wealthy lifestyle with his parents, mom - a housewife and dad - a rather parsimonious businessman, named Amirchand. One day while walking on the beach, he comes acro...
After the passing away of her father, a local physician, Aarti takes it upon herself to dispense medicine, as well as sew clothes, and looks after a child named Kundan who has lost his legs to paralys...
Blackmail | |
Khamoshi | |
Fraud Saiyaan | |
Tanhaji – The Unsung Warrior | |
Leader | |
Hope Aur Hum | |
Judgemental Hai Kya | |
Super 30 | |
Bharat | |
De De Pyaar De |