The film is about a man named Balajeet "Bala" Roy (Sanjay Dutt),who is a software engineer lives a blissful life with his beautiful wife, Nisha Roy (Celina Jaitly). Nisha is expecting their first chil...
Born in Lucknow, Manisha now lives a middle-classed lifestyle in Bandra, Mumbai, along with her widowed mother, and a younger sister, Utkarsha. She is hired as a Personal Secretary to wealthy Yash Sin...
Rakesh Trivedi (Abhishek Bachchan) comes from a small village. His father is a ticket collector on the train, and wants him to get into a similar occupation as well. However, Rakesh has big dreams; he...
Kaal is based on an adventure thriller story in which two British Nationals are killed by a ferocious tiger in Orbit Park, India. This incident follows several other incidents, and many deaths result,...
Sonapur is a small village in modern day India that is being terrorized by a bandit named Zakali and his gang of 40 thieves. The villagers, young and old, even the Police, are all terrified. When a ne...
In a small scenic town in India there are two schools, Valley High School, which basically caters to the affluent, and Bharti High School for the middle-class. The annual sports fest has always been d...
Fida tells the story of Jai who one day happen to meet a young and beautiful woman called Neha and he falls in love with her at first sight. However trying to persuade Neha was in vane to Jai, because...
Captain Aditya Arya, (Arjun Rampal), is in the Indian army. When the Indian president is kidnapped, Adit is sent undercover to rescue the president and his daughter, Kinjal (Dipannita Sharma). Aditya ...
Dinanath Singh (Snehal Lakhia) is honored by the Indian Government, which is televised live. While receiving the honors, Dinanath informs the Government that his village is still without electricity, ...
Darna Mana Hai interweaves six stories into one film. Seven friends get stuck in the middle of a forest when their car breaks down, and they find refuge in an abandoned house. To keep each other amuse...
Arun Sharma (Sunny Deol) is a spy working for RAW (Research and Analysis Wing). He sets up a spy network under the identity of Major Batra, with the objective of getting information regarding terroris...
Babu works for three underworld dons, and must go to prison to protect them. When his sentence is over, he returns home to find that his wife, Purnima, son, Arjun, and daughter, Pooja, living a destit...
Blackmail | |
Khamoshi | |
Fraud Saiyaan | |
Tanhaji – The Unsung Warrior | |
Leader | |
Hope Aur Hum | |
Judgemental Hai Kya | |
Super 30 | |
Bharat | |
De De Pyaar De |