Directed by Jon Favreau (Iron Man), based on Rudyard Kipling's timeless stories and inspired by Disney's classic animated film, The Jungle Book is an all-new live-action epic adventure about Mowgli (n...
Bhoothnath Returns takes Bhoothnath's story forward. As he returns to 'Bhoot World' he is greeted with taunts and condemnation from other ghosts for bringing disrepute to the ghost-community for getti...
Chhutanki is a live-cum-animation feature film made in 3D (Stereoscopic). It revolves around the animated lead character Chhutanki, his mysterious birth, upbringing and training by his guru Akhand Dev...
Mirch is a 2010 Indian drama film written and directed by Vinay Shukla. The film featured Konkona Sen Sharma and Raima Sen in pivotal roles. The film began filming in Bikaner, Rajasthan.
Jaane Kahan Se Aayi Hai is a 2010 Bollywood sci-fi romance film directed by Milap Zaveri. The film stars Riteish Deshmukh, Jacqueline Fernandez, Sonal Sehgal and Ruslaan Mumtaz in lead roles. It was W...
Hum Tum Aur Ghost is an Bollywood comedy film directed by Kabeer Kaushik, starring Arshad Warsi and Dia Mirza in the lead roles. Filmed in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, the film was released on 26 Mar...
12 year old Mickey life was almost like a fairy tale, a beautiful family, best buddy onnie and his angel on earth Mitika . But one beautiful day Mickey fairy tale shattered into million pieces. It was...
My Friend Ganesha is a story about an eight year old boy who feels lonely since his parents don't have time for him and he doesn't have any friends. As story moves on 'Ganesha' becomes his friend and ...
Ravi and Padmini share a strained relationship due to their teenage son Buddhi's intellectual handicap. Buddhi, a mildly autistic slow learner displays his flair for art but his parents, with their mi...
The story of Jai Jagannatha is based on the ancient scripture Laxmi Puran. The untouchables were not allowed to pray, worship and do rituals to God in the ancient ages. Sriya, one of the important cha...
Chain Kulli Ki Main Kulli, a children's film, is a journey of an orphan boy of 13 years of age who dares to dream big and thereby, proves to the world that "Believe in yourself and the world will be a...
Aditya Verma, fondly called Adi Chachu or Adi Uncle (Shahid Kapoor) by the children of his brother, lives in a large mansion in Mumbai with his brother (Mohnish Behl), sister-in-law, sister and grandm...
Blackmail | |
Khamoshi | |
Fraud Saiyaan | |
Tanhaji – The Unsung Warrior | |
Leader | |
Hope Aur Hum | |
Judgemental Hai Kya | |
Super 30 | |
Bharat | |
De De Pyaar De |