The Great Gatsby will probably be the greatest release of the year and draw the attention of every Bollywood fan alive because it features the Greatest Bollywood star - Amitabh Bachchan. Amitabh Bachchan (AFP) In fact, The Big B has been tweeting about the film and revealed on his Twitter account: “The Great Gatsby official opening film for Cannes Film festival, May 15th…come one come all…half blink and you miss role for me (sic).” Then, he adds: “Baz Luhrmann just informs me about Cannes... there is excitement all around... Jazz y wanting to use my voice in sound track… sure (sic).” Adding Amitabh Bachchan’s baritone to the soundtrack is a typical Baz Luhrmann move – not enough stars ’s can do for the director.