Looking at the end of the year: Saif Ali Khan on wedding plans

Posted In : Gossips
(added 09 Jul 2012)

Just when the excitement around the marriage of actors-and-star couple Saifeena on October 16 (as reported) is growing, actor Saif Ali Khan surprises when he denies having marked a date on his calendar. “We are yet to decide on the date because we have to sit with our families and decide on the course of things.

Looking at the end of the year: Saif Ali Khan on wedding plans

We are looking at the end of the year,but no date has been finalised as yet,” reveals the actor, who’s currently busy promoting his latest home production Cocktail. Prodding him a little more, we ask if the marriage will happen in the traditional nikaah style or as per the Hindu rituals.

“It is too soon and too private a matter to be discussed, especially when we haven’t decided on anything as yet,” comes the cryptic answer from Saif. He is clearly uncomfortable to talk about the wedding, more so when the topic veers to his kids. Are they excited about the marriage, we ask. “This isn’t something I would want people to read,” he says firmly.

Besides evading questions on his marriage, the actor has been busy with his films — shooting for his film Race 2 in Turkey and now promoting his home production. “Rom-coms are not really the kind of films I’d want to do,” says Saif referring to Cocktail, which he planned to only produce, and not act in. “Agent Vinod, Paan Singh Tomar or the Milan Luthria type of films are more my kind.

Cocktail, honestly, I wasn’t too excited with the idea as I have done a lot of rom-coms before. Another actor was supposed to do the role, but that didn’t work out. But Dinesh (co-producer of the film) was really keen to do make this film. And everyone insisted that I get involved with it as an actor as well. It’s turned out quite well too.”

Since the film is about friendships, we ask him if it is possible to have permanent friendships and he explains that both people need to be on the same page. “Friendship is when two people are able to sit together and have coffee.

If two actors were to sit together and one of them gets a call from a big production house, the other is bound to be jealous. If I am your friend, I cannot be jealous of you. You can’t be friends with people you compete with, unless you are both big stars. Even then you can only be cordial and have mutual respect for each other,” he says.

Shifting the topic to his ladylove, we ask him if he is excited about her much-awaited film Heroine. “I am very happy that Kareena is getting roles like these where in her own words, ‘she doesn’t have to wait until the guy defuses a bomb’.

She has improved tremendously and I am very happy for her,” he says.“But this is a male dominated industry and I don’t think that will ever change. Actors will always dictate the terms even with heroine-centric films around,” adds Saif.

(added 09 Jul 2012) / 1354 views

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