Review: 'Diary of a Butterfly' lacks a story

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(added 03 Mar 2012)

A stale plot, coupled with unimpressive performances result in a movie like Diary of a Butterfly. Directed by Vinod Mikhi, the film stars Udita Goswami, Rati Agnihotri, Harsh Chhaya, Sofia Hayat, Rajeev Singh and others. The film revolves around a Jaipur girl Gul (Udita Goswami), who's hungry for success and shifts to Mumbai to pursue her career with a fashion house. Before you even realise, from a fresher she becomes a creative director of a fashion house and soon a managing director of another.

Review: 'Diary of a Butterfly' lacks a story

In her quest for success, Gul cheats her colleagues and hurts her friend as well. Out of nowhere, one day she realises her mistake and tries to aplogise to people who were close to her. However, later Gul feels it's not really worth it. So where does the diary really fit in? Gul's mother gives her a diary to record her daily life on pages. So the diary did the job of making her realise that how mean and selfish she is. If you want, you can watch the film to find out whether the diary becomes her best friend or the worst enemy.

Udita dominates the film throughout. Thanks to the below average performances by most of the supporting actors, she seems best out of the lot. Rajeev Singh, who played Udita's on and off love interest in the film, has nothing to offer apart from his looks. After tolerating Sofia Hayat's unappealing pout and funny accent for long, you will realise her importance in the film, when she appears in a black two piece bikini on screen.

After her appearance in Paap, Zeher and Aksar, Udita is better known for her sensuous onscreen avatars. Her prolonged bath scene and love making sequences in the film look very soft-porn style. Undoubtedly, Diary of a Butterfly is sleazy at places. So, overall the film is about Gul and her friends who love bikinis and bubble bath, and Gul's so called professional life that hardly gets any focus.

Aryan Vaid has also done a blink-and-miss performance in the film. Though Gul quotes her mother many times in the movie, but Rati Agnihotri hardly has any screen time. Singer Taz (Stereo Nation) is also seen in the film. Udita's item number 'Jugni' is another misfit.

Udita has been longing for a meaty Bollywood offer from long. Diary of a Butterfly may help Udita in making Bollywood realise that she still exists. Let's wait and watch whether her risk pays off or simply goes unnoticed. So the verdict is, watch Diary of a Butterfly if you have nothing better to do this weekend, or you like to see empty seats in the theater around you or if you are Udita Goswami's fan. Out of five, the film deserves one and a half star.

(added 03 Mar 2012) / 1388 views

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