Preity Zinta is worried about fans leaking her pictures

Posted In : Gossips
(added 29 Feb 2012)

Preity Zinta is worried about fans leaking her pictures

It's been long since actor Preity Zinta was seen hobnobbing in filmy circles in the city and that's because she's busy shooting in Paris. A source from the sets tells us that Preity is happy to be back to her first love, acting and that she's having a blast facing the camera. But things got a little out of control, when, a few days back, a sizeable crowd gathered on the sets to catch a glimpse of the actor. And Preity's biggest worry was that her fans were taking pictures of her, in her new look for the film and the sets.

"Preity is usually very accomodative of her fans. But her concern that day was that some people tend to put up the pictures online and the look of the film is leaked," says the source. But since she didn't want to disappoint her fans, Preity apparently patiently explained to them that they are free to take as many pictures but to avoid putting them up online. Preity even tweeted her plight.

"One humble request 2 all my fans .. Pls come n see the shoot, take as many photos U want but pls Dont put them on the internet as it leaks the Look of the film & affects the movie negatively ! When i am off set, I am more than happy to take photos.. As long as U keep them 4 urself! Otherwise I am very happy to see all you eager beavers on set :-)))) hope it is not too much for me to ask you guys ??? What say you?" she posted. The actor was also feeling a bit under the weather, thanks to the cold and rainy climate in Paris, a few days back. "Preity finds Paris to be one of the most romantic places but the chills left her with nothing but a fever this time," says the source adding that she's back on track now.

(added 29 Feb 2012) / 2769 views

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