Anil Kapoor is a biased dad, says daughter Sonam

Posted In : Gossips
(added 29 Dec 2011)

Anil Kapoor is a biased dad, says daughter Sonam

Actor Anil Kapoor has admitted to this in the past, but never daughter Sonam Kapoor. But Sonam reiterated dad’s confession, when she recently admitted on a reality show that her dad is biased towards her and in most cases, favours her among his other two children younger daughter Rhea and son Harsh.

“My daddy loves me the most among his three children and I know that he is biased towards me. I have always been over-pampered by him,” said Sonam on a reality show. On the  show, Superstar Santa, Sonam also revealed that whenever there’s an argument, Anil always takes her side. “It doesn’t matter who’s right or who is wrong, but my dad will always take my side.

I know it for a fact that he will blindly endorse whatever I say. I would like to call this trust and you may call it love,” she adds. Sonam has said it earlier that her dad also takes her suggestions seriously most of the times. “Now that we have all grown up, my dad considers all our suggestions very carefully. I will give you an example. The script of Slumdog Millionaire was lying on the table unattended till we goaded our dad that he should be doing the film. Look how the film changed all our lives and is now an iconic film in the history of world cinema,” she added.

(added 29 Dec 2011) / 1016 views

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