I have a secret addiction, says Nargis Fakhri

Posted In : Gossips
(added 24 Nov 2011)

Model-turned-actor Nargis Fakhri comes clean on never-before-spoken-of matters Q: Do you feel 32 years of age is too late to start off in Bollywood since most heroine’s shelf life is usually limited? A: Hahahahaha! Sorry had to laugh, because I’m really only 12! Seriously, if you met me in person you would totally agree that I am 12… ask anyone who is close to me. I live in Never Never Land and Peter Pan is my best friend.

I have a secret addiction, says Nargis Fakhri

Q: What is your equation with actor Ranbir Kapoor? Are you friends, acquainted, or just colleagues? A: Ranbir is a wonderful person and I am so grateful to have him as my friend. We get along really well and he is such a great actor. So I think our energies just work well together… plus we had developed a strong level of trust and that is key to performing… you have to trust your co actor… Q: Do you feel that it was a mistake to keep quiet during the raging rumours of the two of you having an affair? A: I don’t think everything needs to be explained all the time or defended. I guess if we know the truth, that’s all that matters, isn’t it?
Q: Are you single? Are you considering settling down soon? A: I’m single, and I wish I could meet someone, but it’s going to be tough, as I have so much going on now all the time. I don’t have much of a social life anymore. Whenever I get time, I try and catch up on sleep. Q: What does the institution of marriage mean to you? Do you see yourself married? What kind of guy would you like to settle down with? A: I hope to one day experience the joy of finding my Prince Charming and settling down and having a lovely wedding… but I also know it takes time to find ‘the one’. No one is perfect, but I am sure there’s a match out there somewhere…. but I also believe we need to get to know ourselves first before settling down. I’m taking my time before accepting any proposals because I would
like my marriage to last a lifetime.
Q: Your pout is the most talked about feature on your face. Do you feel your pout compliments your face the most? A: No, actually I noticed that too much on screen, I didn’t realise everything is amplified. I have a secret addiction… yes, I know I shouldn’t talk about it… but I am addicted to lip plumper… and I was scolded many times while shooting, but I didn’t listen because I couldn’t live without it. But now I see that they were right and I was being a child; I should have listened. Ah well you live and you learn! Q: What kind of role would you like to do now? A: Oh wow! I keep saying I want to do an action flick… I want to kick some butt. LOL!

(added 24 Nov 2011) / 1002 views

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