"I am neither macho nor metrosexual"

Posted In : Gossips
(added 31 May 2013)

You are the DJ of your own fate – Bollywood hunk Arjun Rampal lives by this mantra. TWF correspondent Sreya Basu in conversation with the actor in Mumbai as he reveals secrets of his hot looks These days men have become more inclined towards skincare, haircare, etc. Your comment. I don’t know why it took us so long to realize that we too have skin. It is the organ that covers our entire body and receives the maximum beating – the sun, the pollution, the germs. But we used to think we are too macho to use a cleansing tonic or face scrub or moisturizer. Now you can say we have evolved and I don’t mind using beauty products provided they don’t smell that feminine like raspberry and peaches. It’s all about feeling good about yourself.

"I am neither macho nor metrosexual"

I used Nivea (cream) as a child. We used to have a large blue tin of Nivea and we applied it for every problem – when I had chapped lips or rashes or my mother putting a palmful of cream on my face to ensure I have soft skin. Grooming is that one step that you take towards getting more confident, hygienic and healthy. Tell us about your grooming regime. I start with a good face wash as it is very important to keep your face clean. I use a good deodorant as I don’t want to be the smelly one out there. I use a light moisturizer. If I am going outdoors, I use a sun block (sunscreen lotion). I think everyone has his/her own style. People talk a lot on these things. But for me style is being original yet different.

Men should just feel confident about themselves and not wear clothes just because somebody else is wearing them. Don’t let your clothes wear you, wear your clothes.I don’t have one. I just wear that I am comfortable in. I am not at all metrosexual. I am a man and I think every man is just a man. It is us who coin these terms like metrosexual and macho. A macho man cries like any man and a metrosexual man is not necessarily gay. I am neither macho nor metrosexual. I am just a normal man. These titles are all perceptions and I take them in good humour; though I am grateful to my fans who voted for me. It is great to be acknowledged and appreciated. But I think all men can become desirable if they take good care of themselves. When I entered Bollywood (in 2001) models were not taken seriously as actors. But now the perceptions have changed. It had to as our business is based on perceptions. At present, it does not matter where you came from; you are as good or as bad as your last film in this industry.

(added 31 May 2013) / 998 views

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