'VACANCY' POST Tru frnd, ELIGBILITY:Lovin &Carin. XPRIENCE Not reqd DUTY SMS daily. SALRY: Nvr endin frndshp & care. 2JOIN: Misd call imediatly....

Jan, 13 2012     147 chars (1 sms)     823 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you
My f'ship means a little heart dat nvr Hates.A cute smile dat nvr Fades.A smooth touch dat nvr Shakes & A strong relatnship dat nvr Breaks.
I asked a tear while it rolled down my cheek. Why do u appear when I am in a crowd, can’t come when I am alone? It said, “I find u all alone in the crowd.”
Some One Like Goldship,Some one Like Silvership,I like one Ship That is your Friendship
Lips Bhindi ki tarha Gaal Tamatar ki tarha Eyes Matar ki tarha Poora Face Gobih ki tarha E Khuda ye kaisa Dost diya Subzi Mandi ki tarha
I wont promise 2 be Ur friend forever,coz I wont live that long.But let me be Ur friend as long as I live.
Good FRIENDS are hard to find, harder to leave,and impossible to forget.
My heart is like an open BOOK It depends on how you read ME Dont judge me by my COVER Look inside & discover i will be ur true friend 4EVER
If sum1 dies early, Ppl say GOD loved him very much..Bt u r still on earth,it means sum1 on earth lovs u more dan GOD.
Every garden must have a red rose, every sweet face must have a red cheeks and a good nose, every grass must have a dew, and evey person must have a friend like you.
There r times i find my hands full of frenz...i wnt2 hold thm hard as i fear losing them.I laugh whn i realiz dat they r d ones holdin me. . . Thanks 4bein1..
it is realy amazng wen two stanger becom frnds bt its raly sad wen two frnds becom stranger . hope it wud nvr happen with .. we will frnds 4evr