Adversity attract

Adversity attract
Adversity attracts the man of character. He seeks out the better joy, responsibility.

Jan, 21 2012     85 chars (1 sms)     879 views       Quotes

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A quiettongue shows a wise head.
Don'tuse a lot where a little will do.
I think we may safely trust a good deal more than we do.
One should never rub bottoms with a porcupine.
One cannot be precise and still be pure.
When indoubt, ask. When not in doubt, ask. If you are not in doubt, you may bekidding yourself.
A rumor goes in one ear and out many mouths.
The Older I get, the more I judge people by their character and not by their ideas.
Those who trust us educate us.
Thebasic building block of good communications is the feeling that every humanbeing is unique and of value.
Mistakes are to Life what shadows are to Light.
Standingin the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by thetraffic from both sides.