i hate u h=have

i hate u h=have
i hate u h=have i told lately dat i love u? A=always miss u . T=take u in my heart. E=every moment i cherish ur love.

Jan, 18 2012     117 chars (1 sms)     1689 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

3 Things in Life once gone will never come back TIME, WORDS & OPPORTUNITY. 3 Things in Life should never be Lost HOPE, LOVE & Come on, how can u 4get ME
When U are near,I have no fear,I am mad about you,I am incomplete without you,I Love the way u care,And Happiness that u share.
I looked at a sweet, beautiful rose, and then I looked at you, and I kept looking at you, for the rose isn't as beautiful as you. 2
Tears are very true than a smile because,u can smile at Anyone,But definitely you will cry for the only one who is So special to U.
You brighten my day with the sound of your voice, you bring so much laughter and love, you are everything to me and I was so blessed when god sent you here for me.
If my heart was the size of the universe, It still would not be big enough to hold the love i have for u!
Frndshp is the soil through which love's seeds grow . If u want to bring luv into a relationshp u must first bring frndshp.
We say we love flowers,yet we pluck them.We say we love trees,yet we cut them.&we still wonder why some are afraid when they are told they are loved!
Ur Expression of the face could be seen by everyone.!But the expression of heart could be seen only by the loved one..!dont mis them in ur life.
A road to a your house is never long for me. Because you are in my heart house.
Sometimes your joy is source of your smile, But sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.. But every time you are with me.. I will be joy always.
I sent u an SMS, It was flying in the air and it met to your SMS, which was also flying towards me, they both fall in Love and disappeared there forever.
Look left Look right Look back I am not there Look into ur heart U will find me there in form of sweet remeberies