Roses are red..

Roses are red..
Roses are red.. And sky is blue.. But you don't know.. How much I LOVE U

Jan, 18 2012     72 chars (1 sms)     691 views       Love

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ts funny that all of the souls in this worls knows how i feel for you..but you it seems that ur the only one who doesnt have the clue.. i just wanna tell you what everybody knows and thats I LOVE YOU...
They say 'Never expect anything in return from any1'.But d truth is yen we really love sum1, we naturally expect a little care from them
Some 1 r bers, somebody cares, ur name is whispered in somebodys prayers, keep d bright hope of sunshine in view, some 1 is always thinkin of u,
Its time when people you love should know that you love them Its time when people you miss should know that you miss them that is why i keep on saying i love and miss you all the time.
LovE is Not HoW LonG U've BeeN 2gEthEr; nOt HoW MucH U've GIvEn oR RecEivE; Not hOw MaNy TimEs U've HeLpEd EaCh OthEr --- Its HoW U VALUE EaCh OtHEr...
I've seen angels in the sky, I've seen snow fall in July, I've seen things you could only imagine to see or do, But I still haven't seen anything sweeter than you!
Nothing to say. nothing to write. nothing to send. but i believe that, you will listen, read & recieve my feelings in the silence too. i love you my dear.....
U want u get that is luck, u want and u wait that is time, u want but u compromise that is life... But u want, u wait and u compromise that is love..
A kiss is just a kiss till u find the 1 u luv A hug is just a hug till u find the 1 u're always thinkin of. A dream is just a dream till it comes true. Luv was just a word till I heard it from u.
if you ` love s o m e o n e ` w i t h a l l y o u r h e a r t ` a n d y o u c a n n o t b e a r ` t o b e a p a r t , ` t e l l t h e m n o w ` b e f o r e i t ' s t o o l a t e ` b e c a u s e n o t e v e r y o n e ` h a s t h e p a t i e n c e t o w a i t . Ù
All I ever hear is what you whisper in her ear. All you ever say is how much you want her near. All I ever see is the things she makes you do, but all I ever wanted was for you to love me too.