Absence is d best

Absence is d best
Absence is d best presence.Coz if people r Absent thn u Miss them..& if u Miss them thAt meAns they r Present in ur heArt.

Jan, 18 2012     122 chars (1 sms)     668 views       Love

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Heaven is the place where I would be, the day you would stop loving me!
Love Is The Happiness Of Today, And Promise Of Tomorrow, So This Warm Note Comes To You, To Say That Live Life With A Heart Full Of Love
Anybody can luv a rose but no1 luvs a leaf tat is near 2 rose! Dont luv some1 who is beautiful, bt luv d1 who can mak ur life beautiful
You are the twinkle of my eyes; The smile on my lips; The joy of my face; Without you I am incomplete.
My eyes are blind without your eyes to see, Like a rose without color. Always be there in my life sweetheart
evryone wants to be the sun that lights up ur life...``But i'd rathr be your moon, so i can shine on you during your darkest hour when your sun isnt around
jst whn questions seemd endles`it sudnly bcame clear.`u came nt 2 luv me`bt 2 teach me`hw 2 luv`den u walkd away`w/o any idea`hw mch iv lernd`&Hw much it hurts
Love doesnt hide, it stays and fights. it goes the distance. Thats why God made love so strong, so it can carry you...`` all the way home.
All I ever hear is what you whisper in her ear. All you ever say is how much you want her near. All I ever see is the things she makes you do, but all I ever wanted was for you to love me too.
They learned me that one hours equals 60 minutes and that one minute equals 60 seconds, but they never told me that one second without you can last for ever!
Never judge someone by who he's in love with; judge him by his friends. People fall in love with the most appalling people. Take a cool appraising glance at his pals.
"Lv doesnt consist of u,looking into your partner's eyes,butrather both of u looking in d same direction."Its True-n-Real Lv.