Rainbow is a cute

Rainbow is a cute
Rainbow is a cute design,as they lovingly shine.Have u seen an inverted rainbow? U never know that it's ur smile. Let me see that rainbow forever.Gm

Jan, 16 2012     148 chars (1 sms)     745 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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Wen Time is Fast. Wen Moments r Hard. Wen Evry1 is Busy. Wen Seconds r Few. My MESSAGE Says That I m still Remembering U. GooD MorninG!
SMILE means: "S"et u free "M"akes u Special "I"ncreases ur face Value "L"ifts up ur Spirits "E"rases all ur Tensions!! So keep smiling 4ever. GOOD DAY
I never knew wat wonder a frnd can do..S,surely they can change things around u into smiles,sunshines n happiness.JUST T WAY U KEEP ON DOING.GM
A person who loves u make u realisehow wonderful the world is,but it's a frnd who makes u realize how wonderful are 2 the world.gud mrng
"HOPE is the Ability to Hear the Music of the FUTURE.And FAITH is Having the Courage to Dance to it TODAY!."..
I'm a person easily overwhelmed by the wonders this world can give. But I would leave all these just to laugh my heart out over cups of coffee on lazy days like this with someone like you! Good morning!
Words & heart are the 2 things to be handled with care.Because words once spoken and heart once broken are D hardest things to retain again.Gs mrng
Nobody ll ever remembr how yu look,how yu speak,wat yu did or anythin else.But the only thing they remembr s how yu made them feel.Gud mornin..Gud day
Birs are chillaying murga is kukrukuing chaand is doobing sun is nikling flowres are khushbon maring peacock is naching all are kahing ta u GOOD MORNING u r still soying??
A famous poet says "One can cross an ocean without wetting his legs but can't pass his love life without wetting his eyes" Thats LOVE. good morning.
Lord, when I lose hope because my plans have come to nothing, help me remember that Your love is always greater than my disappointments and Your plans for my life is always better than my dreams.
A Pure HeArted Person CAn HAv Wonderful smile Tht MAkes Evn His Enemy 2 feel guility 4 being his Enemy.So CAtch d World of PeAce Wid urSmile