friend gives support,

friend gives support,
friend gives support,a good friend gives protection,a best friend gives life.But a real friend gives full of his care and affection.Good morning. Gud day 4--

Jan, 16 2012     157 chars (1 sms)     835 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Ek khubsurati, ek tazgi, ek sapna, ek sacchai, ek kalpana, ek ahsas, ek aastha, ek vishvas, Yahi hai ek acche din ki shuruvat
Feelng grateful or appreciativ of someone or something in ur life, actualy attracts more of d thngs that u appreciate&value into ur life.GM
We're not too close in distance. We're not too near in miles. But text can still touch our hearts and thoughts can bring us smiles. Good morning!
Man's Rise or Fall,Success R Failure, Happiness R Unhappiness Depends on his Attitudea man's Attitude will Create D Situation he Imagine.Gud morning…
Its True that everyEffort is Not Convertedinto Success,But its Equaly True That Success Does Not Come Without Effort..Good Morning.
Every tear is a sign of weakness…Every silence is a sign of loneliness…Every SMS is a sign of remembrance..Gd mrng
"World is not A pArking plAce"It is A RAcing trAck..Yuv Just Keep on moving..No mAtter When & Where to stArt but reAch ur GoAl & MAke a New Record!GM
If U want to enjoy,alwys think today is the 1st day,But if U wnt to achieve sumthing alwys think today is the last day....Good m'ing
Sum Ppl Think That BLACK Color As Sentimentaly Bad, But They 4get 2 Know About "Every Black Board Makes Bright Students"GM
Life is Not a Rehearsal. Each Day is a New Show. No Repeat, No Rewind. So Give Ur BEST Shot in all Ur Worthy Acts as the Show Must Go On.. Gud mrng
Lord, when I lose hope because my plans have come to nothing, help me remember that Your love is always greater than my disappointments and Your plans for my life is always better than my dreams.
When All season will go dry, When All birds leave the sky, When All will say Good Bye, Once Again U will Find Me saying HHiiiiiii!!gd mrng!