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Jan, 16 2012     131 chars (1 sms)     861 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Sweet and nicewith just a little spice!Humorous and funnyyet sweet like honey!Laid back and coolas precious as a jewel!I think you're so neatand your friendship is a treat!gooood morning
Happiness always looks small when you hold it in your hands ... But when you learn to share it , you will realize how big and precious it is!! Gd mrng
Education Gives Quality Of Life..Money Givs Quality Of Respect..Sangathi Givs Quality Of Love..But,Friendship Givs Quality Of Heart.G/M
Each time I text you good am, it's not just a morning greeting. There's a silent message saying I thought of you as I woke up this morning! Good am!
Wining horse dsnt know why it runs in race it runs bcoz of hits & pains life is a race God is ur rider So if u r in pain then think,GOD wants u to win d race!gd mrng
sum1 asked me to discribe u in a sentence. . . i said "individual that makes place in others heart without even knocking at it" G.M.
Relationship doesnt get closer by meetngs, but it is sweetend by THOUGHTS. I care 4 u in my own STRANGE ways. Maybe u'll never know, Perhaps I'll nvr show.
Morning greetings does not only mean saying Good Morning, it has a silent message saying- I remember you when I wake up! Have a nice day!Gud mrng
Cheerful peoples are like sunlight. They shine in the corners of the heart and offer fresh hopes... Good Morning..
It is a"S"imple"M"ind touching"I"nteractive"L"ong lasting"E"ffectwhich Wins the hearts.Yes.. It is your SWEET SMILE." So Keep Smiling.GM
Don't get 'UPSET' with little jerks in life,Bcozlife is like a road & problems are like speed breakers,They 'SAVE' us from'BIG' accident.gm.
Always have a Positive attitude in life: There is something Positive in every person & every situation..... Even a dead clock is right twice a day!. Gd mrng