Open ur tinky minky

Open ur tinky minky
Open ur tinky minky eyes, stand up and strech ur crunchy prunchy bonz and then wake up yourself, tell your brain to refresh and tell your self 2days is GOOD DAY Good Morning

Jan, 16 2012     173 chars (2 sms)     1095 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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Inspiring lines for the day:Born with personalityis an accidentbut dying as a personalityis an achievement.GM
Never take some1 for granted,Hold every person close to Yr Heart B'cs U might wake up 1 day & realise that U've lost a diamond While U were busy Collecting StonE.GM
Whn V Wr Kids,V Cudnt Wait2Grow Up Now GrownUp & Realise Tht Wounded Knees & Broken Toys Wr Better Thn Wounded Emotions & Broken Hearts.GM
Never get too attached to anyone because attachments always lead to expectations & expectations always leads to disappointment G.M.
Its better to be in chains with friends, than to be in a garden with strangers.GD MRNG
Wen v pray v don't c God.Bt v know He listens.Wen I Snd sms to U, I don't c U.But I know, U'll think of me wid a Sweet Smile..Gud Mg, Have A Nice Day
The beauty of Life is some what like this: Just when we get all the answers of life.. Life changes the question!GD MRNG
New day..New morning.. New hopes..New plans.. New efforts..New success... New feelings-: New mrng
Every king was once a crying baby and every great building was once a blueprint.It's not where u r today, but where u'll reach tomorrow, that counts.Gud morn.
Water falls from a hill,it nevr thinks it had fallenit raises 2 run as a un stoppable Rive rLife is not Falling but RISING AT EVERY FALL…GM
Anger is quelled by compassion, enmity is quelled by friendship, hatred is conquered by love, and sins by good mrng
Real fact:No one in the world is afraid to speak the truth..Evrybdy is afraid only to face the consequenses aftr the truth is let out!GM